เครื่องเอ็กซเรย์ทางทันตกรรม แบรนด์ GENORAY

Genoray Co., Ltd.'s cutting edge technology and quality are well-recognized around the world.
Genoray Co., Ltd. is the only company in Korea that has successfully established
both Medical and Dental X-ray product lineups in their respective fields.
We have succeeded in internalizing the X-ray system with the accumulated capability through our long experience in business.
Based on the accumulated technical competence, we have entered the dental industry in 2013 and are making excellent results continuously.
Our company’s unique technology and productivity are the foundation of the company’s growth and development and they are being realized as business synergy.

Ompanies are using to drive their digital transformation efforts. You will learn the best practices, current trends management industry today.
Ompanies are using to drive their digital transformation efforts. You will learn the best practices, current trends management industry today.
Ompanies are using to drive their digital transformation efforts. You will learn the best practices, current trends management industry today.
Neobiotech Satisfaction to Dentists
No.1 Corporation
Innovative Dental Technology & Clinical Field (2019)
Selected by Korean Dentists